Championship Manager 0102 Save Game Editor

This tool is an editor for modifying save games from Motorsport Manager on the PC. We try to keep the tool up to date with the latest version of the game on Steam.
  1. Universal Save Game Editor
  2. Clicker Heroes Save Game Editor

  • Tri Wasano's Championship Manager 01/02 Editor is compatible with CM 01/02. It is impressive as it allows you to edit almost all areas of your game's pre-game data including: players, staff, teams, officials, competitions, stadiums, nations and cities.
  • Get the CHAMPIONSHIP MANAGER SAVEGAME EDITOR V3.1 right here, right now! CHAMPIONSHIP MANAGER SAVEGAME EDITOR V3.1 is available for immediate download. Note: FilePlanet is no longer being updated and is.

Naruto shippuden ninja generations mugen for pc. U-control behringer uca200 driver. Get the CHAMPIONSHIP MANAGER SAVEGAME EDITOR V3.1 right here, right now! CHAMPIONSHIP MANAGER SAVEGAME EDITOR V3.1 is available for immediate download. Note: FilePlanet is no longer being updated and is in the process of being archived.


Universal Save Game Editor

Clicker Heroes Save Game Editor

  • Modify basic information about your player character
  • Modify team principles, engineers, and mechanics
  • Modify drivers and add/remove personality traits
  • Swap people between teams
  • Change game speed settings for race
  • Modify team stats
  • Modify stats of car parts in inventory
  • Modify championship rules
Let me know what you want to be able to change and I'll look into adding it to the editor.
Make a backup of your save game first! I cannot stress this enough. There is a chance it could break your save completely or cause instability in the game. Please report these bugs to me and I'll fix them.
This entry was posted on 4/26/2019.