Enumerating Pre-install Packages


I'm trying to write an exam paper using LaTeX. Download program latihan fisik futsal. I use the enumerate package, e.g.

Contoh analisis skripsi kualitatif pdf. The problem comes from when I want to put commentary into the question. At the moment, the first level of enumerate gives me a number, and the second a letter. But in between the letters, I might like to say something about the next part of the question, and I would like that outdented, i.e. not on the same level as the lettered parts of the question. I have a work around:

Pre install scan failed: 337. A WMI error occurred when enumerating the instances for a particular. 2 thoughts on “ SCCM Error Codes ” Add Comment.

This is a real pain in the you-know-what. Doing it this way, everything in the last enumerate environment gets labelled as (b). So I have to begin{enumerate} and end{enumerate} and label every subsequent part:

Fly by NightFly by Night

1 Answer


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Enumerating Pre-install Packages

I am currently trying to run some R code on a computing cluster but cannot run the install.packages function due to some weird firewall settings on my cluster. Since I am only using a few packages in my R code, I was hoping to avoid using the install.packages function by downloading and installing the packages manually.

Note: I am aware that there is a way to avoid this issue by using an HTTP proxy as described in the R FAQ. Unfortunately the people in charge of my cluster are not being helpful in setting this up so I'm forced to consider this alternative approach.

Enumerating Pre-install Packages

Ideally, I would like to download the packages files from CRAN to my computer, then upload these files to the cluster and install them using the appropriate commands in R. In addition, I would also like to make sure that the packages are installed to a location of my choice since I do not have the permission to 'write' in the default R directory (I believe that I can do this within R by using the .libPaths function)

Lastly, the computers that I am working with on the cluster are Unix x86_64.

Berk U.Berk U.

4 Answers

You can install the package manually using the following command

install.packages('package.zip', lib='destination_directory',repos = NULL)

See the help of ?install.packages, for further description


this the better way, if we want to download and install locally :

for example :


install.packages('libname',lib = 'file://F:/test')


I also went through the same problem while installing caret package, There are many dependencies of caret package.So ,I did the following

install.packages('caret') This gives all packages in zip format the location of download is shown in the error message. Unzip all packages from download source to a location for example in 'C:/PublicData/RawRPackages' , then run following command.


protected by CommunityMay 27 '18 at 6:09

Apple enumerating pre-install packages

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This entry was posted on 5/30/2019.