Bootrec Windows Installations 0


Instructions on how to access bootrec.exe by the installation disc in Windows. It's possible that the bootrec /ScanOs command can find 0 Windows installations.



Hi All,
My Desktop restarted on its own while I was browsing online and won’t boot to Windows 7 Pro. This is what shows up:
File: Windowssystem32winload.exe
Status: 0xc0000428
Info: Windows cannot verify the digital signature for this file.

I boot my windows 7 prof. upgrade cd to repair and the system recovery options has:
OS: Window 7
Partition size: 114369 MB
Location: (D) Local Disk
Why is my Operating system located on D:? Shouldn’t be on my primary C drive?
I attempted system repair and problem signature07 missingOSLoader showed up.


On DOS prompt:
Action: Bootrec /fixMBR
Result: The operation completed successfully
Action: bootrec /fixBoot
Result: The operation completed successfully
Action: bootrec /rebuildBCD
Result: Successfully scanned windows installations. Total identified windows installations: 0
The operation completes successfully.
Since the BCD store exists and lists a Windows installation, you'll first have to 'remove' it manually and then try to rebuild it again
bcdedit /export c:bcdbackup
At this point, you need to adjust several file attributes for the BCD store so you can manipulate it.
attrib c:bootbcd -h -r –s
To rename the BCD store, execute the ren command as shown:
ren c:bootbcd bcd.old
rebuilding the BCD
bootrec /rebuildbcd
Scanning all disks for Windows installations.
Please wait, since this may take a while..
Successfully scanned Windows installations.
Total identified Windows installations: 1
[1] D:Windows
Add installation to boot list? Yes<Y>/No<N>/All<A>:
Result: restart did not fix the problem
Memory check ok

Ran System File Checker
sfc /scannow /offbootdir=d: /offwindir=d:windows
Windows resource protection did not find any integrity violation
Other Information:
I cannot F8 to advance boot option when loading from the Agility SSD, it only works when booting from Window 7 upgrade CD I have, but that doesn’t help since it boots to the Install & windows repair screen.
I built this Computer June of 2011 and had no problem. In July of 2012 I migrated my current Primary Drive to a new OCZ Agility 3 AGT3-25SAT3-120G and since then there has been about half a dozen times when it will not boot up to my OS. It displays:
“Version 2.02.1205, Copyright ( c ) 2010 American Megatrends, Inc.”
After a manually shutdown and startup it boots fine. Does this have anything to do with the issue now?
How to fix this issue:
File: Windowssystem32winload.exe
Status: 0xc0000428
Info: Windows cannot verify the digital signature for this file.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Bootrec /scanos Windows Installations 0

BootrecWindowsBootrec /rebuildbcd windows installations 0

Bootrec Identified Windows Installations 0

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This entry was posted on 5/1/2019.