Python Serial Vs Pyserial

Python pyserial read

What is the equivalent of Serial.available() in python? For versions prior to pyserial 3.0, use.inWaiting(). To determine your pyserial version, do this. Is ubiquitous in Arduino C serial communications. Do python developers typically use another idiom to accomplish the same task?

Python Serial Vs Pyserial

Next in Idle create a new window and create the below program.
from time import sleep
import serial
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.usbmodem1d11', 9600) # Establish the connection on a specific port
counter = 32 # Below 32 everything in ASCII is gibberish
while True:
counter +=1
ser.write(str(chr(counter))) # Convert the decimal number to ASCII then send it to the Arduino
print ser.readline() # Read the newest output from the Arduino
sleep(.1) # Delay for one tenth of a second
if counter 255:
counter = 32

Two things to keep in mind. To determine what serial port your Arduino is connected to look at the bottom right corner of your Arduino sketch. Whatever that is should be what is in quotes in line 3 of the Python program.
You can also change the baud rate in line 3 of the Python program and line 2 of the Arduino program as long as they stay the same.
Once you run the program it will print out the majority of ASCII characters. By first sending them to the Arduino, which will in turn send it back to the computer that Python then prints out.


This entry was posted on 5/22/2019.